Here are five recommendations, which will protect your children against toothache.
control visit at a dentist’s The holiday period favours relaxation not only in terms of education. We also pay less attention to keeping to an adequate diet, hygiene, control in a dental clinic. We often spoil children giving them large amounts of sweets. This relaxation favours the appearance of caries. After returning from your holiday, take your child to the dentist for a control visit. This will protect you from an unplanned visit due to toothache. Control visits should take place every four months.
control of everyday hygiene In recent months, children have been going away on camps, trips, visiting their grandparents, where we are not able to control hygiene procedures of our youngsters. Remind your child about brushing their teeth, which will reduce the risk of caries forming. A dentist or dental hygienist will conduct a control of brushing and willingly teach the techniques of brushing teeth at a visit of hygiene.
education Our children often wriggle out of brushing their teeth making up various reasons not to do it. Talk to your child about the advantages of prophylactic procedures and the consequences of not caring for their teeth. A dentist or dental hygienist will help you with this. Specially prepared lessons for children are conducted at our clinic, which make them aware of the role of activities allowing to maintain healthy teeth.
the sooner and more efficiently the better The lesser the loss in the tooth, the more pleasurable the treatment is. Thanks to getting rid of caries in its initial stage, we avoid many complications, which may influence the condition of other teeth and cooperation of the child with the dentist. If losses have been identified at a control visit, quickly make an appointment with your child for treatment, and after treatment ask the dentist to safeguard the teeth with fluoride varnish.
healthy habits Our children learn from us copying models of behaviour. Care for your teeth also, so that your child does not doubt what behaviour is appropriate. Allow your child to observe your control visit to encourage him for contact with a dentist. Do not show your fears connected with treating teeth, in order not to cause unnecessary stress.